Resume Page Preston Malcolm

Past and Current Education

  1. Metropolitan State University of Denver
    • Future transfer student starting in Winter 2020
    • Will be studying Aviation and Aerospace Management
    • Will attend local flight school concurrently
  2. Brigham Young University
    • Completed 1 year
    • Pre-management major (with coursework in Information Systems)
  3. Ralston Valley High School - Arvada, CO
    • Graduated 2018 With Honors
    • 4.1 GPA
    • Member of NHS

Work Experience

  1. Apex PRD (2015-2019)
    • Pool Manager (1 season)
    • Lifeguard Instructor (Assisted with 1 class)
    • Senior Lifeguard/MOD (2 years)
    • Lessons Instructor (2.5 years)
    • Guest Services (2.5 years)
    • Lifeguard (3.5 years)
  2. Provo Parks and Recreation (2019-2019)
    • Lifeguard (2 months)
    • Lessons Instructor (1 month)
    • Lifeguard Instructor (Assisted with skill testing)
  3. Boostability (2019-Present)
    • Article Engagement Specialist

Skills and Licenses

  1. Licenses and Certifications
    • Certified Pool Operator (CPO)
    • Aquatic Facility Operator (AFO)
    • Ellis and Associates Lifeguard Instructor
    • American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor
    • Ellis and Associates vanGuard Supervisor
  2. Featured Skills
    • Microsoft Excel
    • Pool Maintenance and Management
    • Staff Scheduling and Training
    • Leadership
    • Cash Handling
    • VBA Macros Coding
    • Basic SQL